Fraud Warning

We’ve had reports of fraudulent activity regarding newspaper advertisements, email and physical mail being sent by companies posing as STAG Group LLC, dba STAG loan marketing and consultants or even your real estate agent.

Please note: We’ll never ask you to login to view email contents, ask for an upfront deposit, down payment or closing costs to be sent through a Western Union wire transfer, STAG loan marketing and consultants only assist with loans by referring to licenced Lenders.

If you’ve received an offer that you didn’t apply for or are unsure about, please contact us at 281-712 -8733 or Email us at with received messages.

Email Scam


There is someone posing as STAG Group LLC, dba STAG Home Loan with an email address, and our employees’ names. Those include harmful attachments such as, “website file, ending with HTML” “PDF file that is asking you your computer access or/and with the warning message”


Real Estate Agent Closing Scam


For those who qualify to wire closing costs and a down payment to their title company, near your closing date you’ll be receiving those instructions from either your closing agent from the title company or your real estate agent.
These emails tell you the bank name and location as well as the bank account and routing numbers you need to know. That being said, you should carefully check the source of the email to make sure it’s legitimate.
Scam perpetrators are sending emails that look official, but instead of having the account numbers for the bank in your transaction, it’ll be the personal account numbers of the scammers.
As an example, if your realtor’s email address is, nefarious people might email you from or in order to try to trick you into sending your closing funds to an unintended recipient.
If you have any doubts regarding the legitimacy of an email, you can contact your title company or realtor on the phone to determine if the instructions came from them.


Fax and Classified Ad Scams

In addition to these schemes, we need to make you aware of a new scam that involves someone posing as your real estate agent.